Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Right to Bear Arms is a Right

The Financial Times website is reporting a story which states in part:
The US Supreme Court appears ready to rule that Americans have a constitutional right to keep a gun in their home for self-defence, a ruling that could help Republicans in the upcoming presidential election.
By the end of Tuesday’s session, it appeared clear that a majority of the court would rule that the US constitution protects the right of individual Americans to “keep and bear arms” – but that federal, state and local governments will retain some powers to regulate firearms.
I have to admit having this turned over to the Supreme Court didn't give me the warm fuzzies but it looks like the right ruling will come out of the Men in Black (not including Ginsberg) but I am more or less a Second Amendment absolutist (why do we accept limitations on the 2nd Amendment but not the 1st...? Why is one more sacrosanct than the other) but will be following this story and post an update when the ruling comes.


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