Wednesday, March 12, 2008

You just can't make this stuff up..Spitzer fallout continues

Ann Coulter blasts away at the Spitzer free fall on her website here. Although to do it justice would be to quote the entire column, I will instead focus on a part of her column. Coulter states:
It's absurd to talk about "alpha males" and political power -- an alpha male does not bring his family shame and disaster. Who was more alpha than Ronald Reagan? Think he ever had a "whore problem"? This is more like a dog who wee-wees on your leg.
She is spot on (as usual) and what I don't understand is why the dems turn the other cheek when it comes to one of their own, sending out people like Alan Dershowitz to crow about how prostitution is a victim less crime:
But he also said he had been surprised when Mr. Spitzer prosecuted a prostitution ring in 2004. “I always thought he was somebody who would come down on crimes with real victims,” Mr. Dershowitz said. “Prostitutes aren’t victims — they’re getting paid a thousand dollars an hour, and the johns aren’t victims.
Really - no victims? Has everyone seen Spitzer's wife up on the podium with him and how haggard and worn she looked? What about Spitzer's daughters - I wonder how they feel right now (probably laughing their father's problems off in Dershowitz la la land)? But it gets better.

Yahoo is reporting that "the popular activist website has launched a Save Spitzer campaign." Now I tried to get to this website and I think it has been taken down but the Yahoo story notes some of the text of the petition for the Save Spitzer group. It starts out with this salvo:

Dear Governor Spitzer,

Don't let the Republicans and the rightwing media drive you out of office!

You made a lot of powerful enemies in your career because you took on the most powerful crooks on Wall Street. Now your enemies are trying to get even by destroying your career and your life. Don't let them!

Did you get that? The Republicans and that all powerful right wing media are behind this. The same wast right wing conspiracy that planted Lewinsky in the Clinton White house, right Hillary? Another thing to note is how the petition concludes:
Governor Spitzer, please stand and fight against this outrageous and naked partisan Republican assault. We support you!
George Bush is behind it all - he arranged for this stellar family man to get caught up in a sting operation as payback for not supporting Bush's policies and of course changed bank records to reflect that Spitzer paid some hooker 100k for trysts but really sent the money to fund Halliburton funneled through Fox News.

Look your brain dead morons. This isn't a right wing plant. This is an arrogant jerk face (Spitzer) who decided that the rules didn't apply to him and a little (or a lot of?) self destructive behavior was in order. The guy was a sleazebag...why is that so hard to accept? Are you Dems so unable to see the wrong in your own or are you so convinced that there are no standards that you should hold your own to (Republicans not withstanding)? Anyone?


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