Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bush Campaign Chief and Former RNC Chair, Ken Mehlman: I'm Gay - Politics - The Atlantic

I found this interesting not because Ken Mehlman has declared that he is gay although I thought it odd the story puts that "Mehlman arrived at this conclusion about his identity fairly recently...". I thought it was something that you know early (whether or not you are gay)...anyway that is not what I thought interesting.

The article (posted at the Atlantic Website) outlines prominent right wingers that are supportive of Gay Rights including Dick Cheney (one of Left's the most hated people) and Mary Matalin. The story quotes Ed Gillespie as noting that these folks haven't been kicked out of the party and the Republican party shows its big tent philosophy on issues such as this - and it is a struggle at times to deal with the conflicting views on issues such as this internal to a party. But where is the big tent of the Democrat party? Wouldn't that show a little open mindedness on their part? Where are the pro-life Dems for example? Why do the Republicans have to go out of their way to show their many colored tent when no one asks or looks for the Dems to show their own inclusiveness.

The bottom line is that the Left/Dems are not inclusive. They are open to ideas that they all agree with - and are more unified in their positions (i.e. left of center politics and abject socialist tendencies). Republicans don't get any credit for showing how inclusive they are and the Dems don't get any credit for their single minded ideas. It is too bad the Media is so in the tank for the Dems to notice the hypocrisy.

Bush Campaign Chief and Former RNC Chair, Ken Mehlman: I'm Gay - Politics - The Atlantic

Thursday, August 19, 2010

U.S. Persuades Israel That Iran's Nuclear Threat Is Not Imminent -

U.S. Persuades Israel That Iran's Nuclear Threat Is Not Imminent -

Ok - well our nuts are in a sling right now. Over at the NY times I am reading that "The Obama administration, citing evidence of continued troubles inside Iran’s nuclear program, has persuaded Israel that it would take roughly a year — and perhaps longer — for Iran to complete what one senior official called a “dash” for a nuclear weapon, according to American officials." So we are basically asking Israel from standing down from taking action against this very real threat to their security.

But over at Fox News I see a story that quotes John Bolton, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations during the Bush administration, saying "it's "only a matter of time" before the Bushehr plant creates the plutonium needed to pave the way for weapons production. He's expressed concern that unless Israel strikes Bushehr before fuel is loaded, the radiation from an attack would render that possibility remote."

This is scary and I feel that no amount of negotiation will stop Iran's progress toward nuclear power and ultimately nuclear weapons.

Feds Bribing Families Into Eating Healthy?

Feds Bribing Families Into Eating Healthy?: "Your parents always told you to eat your vegetables but now the U.S. Agriculture Department is putting its money where its mouth is, launching a test project offering low-income families a 30 percent discount on fresh fruits and vegetables"

Hmm - seems like this is sort of like giving tax credits to encourage behavior the Government deems acceptable? Isn't that the basic theory or conservative economics- to give people more of their money to spend it in their best interest therefore stimulating the economy?

Notice that the Feds didn't tax "bad" food but discounted good food. Not sure I see the Federal Government's role here but there is a broader message in this story...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stallone and real men win

So over at, I was happy to see that Stallone's awesome action flick (no I haven't seen it, I just hope it is awesome) beat Eat, Pray, Love with Julia Roberts. I noted previously that Stallone was quoted as saying "...I believe that everything is a cycle. And once again America will have its cinematic heroes reflect the incredible honor it is to be defending the most extraordinary country the planet has ever known. Just give it time, everything is a cycle."

Yeah everything is a cycle and it would be nice to have a Die Hard type movie back that actually shows guys that actual kick everyone's a$$ while saving the world and also gets the lady in the end. The pure genius of Bruce Willis' character in Die Hard was that he was an everyman that actually was outmatched and outgunned and won - without crazy martial arts, massive special effects and was not afraid to be human and "a man".

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where are the cries of racism?

Quick story over at the Weekly Standard that has Harry Reid making a blatantly racist comment - implying that all Hispanics or people of Hispanic heritage were non-Republicans.

Yeah - why would Catholic Hispanics be against abortion. Why would small business Hispanics be for lower taxes. Why would Hispanic parents be concerned with the cultural rot that is coming out of Hollywood and the liberal elite...

It is time for this guy to go. I await CNN and MSNBC anchors to cover this as much as they cover the "macaca" comment made by George Allen.

Link below - tks for Drudge for the story post.

Harry Reid: "I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican." | The Weekly Standard

Checking out the twitter feed to make sure it is working

Test, test, test

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Blacks and Whites Continue to Differ Sharply on Obama

Over at the Gallup website (Drudge has it also on his Twitter feed) there is a new study that shows a split decision on Obama's approval rating split along racial lines.

The story states "President Obama's job approval rating averaged 88% among blacks and 38% among whites in July, a 50-percentage-point difference that has been consistent in recent months but is much larger than in the initial months of the Obama presidency. Obama's job approval ratings among blacks, whites, and Hispanics in July are all at their lowest levels to date, although the overwhelming majority of blacks still approve."

So with all the race talk in the air, let's throw this out there. How many people believe that the 38% approval rating for the President among whites is due to racism? I wonder what the NAACP would say? Well if you answer is yes - it is probably due to racism I would ask then what do you think about the approval rating of 88% among blacks? Why does Obama enjoy such a high approval rating from this segment of the population? Dare I say due to race? Wouldn't that be racist?

We are constantly told that the Tea Party movement is racist because it is against Obama and those that oppose healthcare are racists. Shirley Sherrod stated "You know, I haven't seen such a mean-spirited people as I've seen lately over this issue of health care. Some of the racism we thought was buried. Didn't it surface?" So how about all the people that support health care - are they racists as well? Certainly all the folks that were against Hillarycare during the Clinton years were not racist?

Bottom line - If the thesis is that Obama is protested partly because of his race, Obama is supported by some people solely because of his race. Yeah - they are racists.

Not at Ground Zero

For the record - I agree with this editorial. The decision to allow a mosque at the site of Ground Zero is disgusting. Let us see if the Muslim community rises up and supports the efforts to stop this.

Not at Ground Zero - The Editors - National Review Online

Monday, August 2, 2010

Police: 2 men tried to sell wood blocks as laptops - Yahoo! News

This is an awesome story - can I be one of the first to say "only in Mississippi"? The story should have also mentioned that these fancy laptops could be used for kindling when the Bush tax cuts expire and everyone's tax burden goes up...

Just a thought. Link to story from Yahoo News below.

Police: 2 men tried to sell wood blocks as laptops - Yahoo! News