Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Aintitcool Reviews LOVELY BONES

Checking out the entertainment news - and saw that Peter Jackson has a new movie out based on the book The Lovely Bones - story below

Harry says that LOVELY BONES is a lovely brutal film! -- Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

My wife read this book, even after I had warned her that this doesn't sound entertaining - it is a story of a girl who is raped and murdered and she goes to "heaven" and watches her family struggle with the aftermath of her murder. The book also follows the murderer and his "trials". Does this sound like something you want to read?

Needless to say, my wife finished the book in tears (referring to it as 'horrible'). This is not to say to say the writing was horrible or anything like that - it is just a horrid topic...

It makes me think of the movie American Beauty that came out in 1999 as it was the critics darling (won 5 oscars!). After watching it (on DVD) I remarked to my wife (girlfriend then) that it was one of the most depressing movies I had ever seen. There was nothing redeeming about the movie at all and for all its talk of being "so realistic" and showing the viewer the dark side of suburbia all it did was make we want the two hours of my life back (along with giving the viewer various cliches - the Nazi is actually gay!! - how original...). The Lovely Bones strikes me like that and I have no interest in seeing something like that.

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