Saturday, November 21, 2009

Final Verdict - Uneven ‘Prisoner’ gets caught in plot loops - The Boston Globe

As I blogged about recently, I was looking forward to AMC's reworking of "The Prisoner", based on the old tv series. Being a Lost fan, I heard that the old show was one of the influences of Lost.

All I can say is wow - this was a tough show to watch. Very choppy editing and little character development and a hard story to follow really made the 6 hours of the series painful to watch. As the Boston Globe puts it:
"...the AMC remake is numbingly paced, heavy-handed, aimless, and humorless. Worst of all, there’s not a single character in the cold, visually cliched world created by director Nick Hurran who evokes sympathy or enduring interest."
That about sums it up. I wanted to like this...I just didn't.

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