Tuesday, November 17, 2009

AP POLL: Tax the rich to pay for health bill (AP)

What a surprise. After being exposed to so much class warfare rhetoric the AP now notes that Americans think taxing the rich is the right way to pay for the heath bill or 'health care reform'. No discussion on whether or not the Government should be controlling or even involving themselves in this area of life but how we should pay for it. And the idea at hand is a penalty in a sense directed toward the rich (those individuals making over $500000 or households making over $1 million as the current House bill notes)

The left can count this one was a win.Instead of people paying more for their own health care, they decide to pass the buck to the rich. What a surprise - well not really. This is the same Government that doesn't know how to balance a checkbook or live within a budget - the very things most of us need to do to get along in this economy.

I guess I am not surprised when we elect politicians who haven't done much - except community organizing.

Story at Yahoo! News: Top Stories

via AP POLL: Tax the rich to pay for health bill (AP).


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