Saturday, November 21, 2009

WBZ NEWSRADIO 1030 - MA House orders staff - not member - furloughs

A continuing problem with politicians especially here in Ma. Can you believe the chutzpah of these guys (yes - not all of them are male - it is an expression). They order their staff to take unpaid time off but they do not (their salaries are mandated by constitutional amendment)? In my opinion, if this state is having so many financial problems why don't the House members volunteer some of their salary and take the furloughs as well?

In my opinion, this is typical of politicians who always look to for other people to sacrifice for the greater good. Taxes are paid by someone else, balanced budget restraints are for someone else, unpaid off is for someone else to do.

Maybe it is time for someone else to work in the House??

WBZ NEWSRADIO 1030 - MA House orders staff - not member - furloughs

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