Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fix iPad Wi-fi Dropping Issue with Verizon Fios Actiontec Router | MyAppleGuide

Had to install a new router and forgot all the changes I had to make for my IPAD to work. Here is the link to all the goodness in case other folks are having the same issue.

Fix iPad Wi-fi Dropping Issue with Verizon Fios Actiontec Router | MyAppleGuide

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How to Clear Contacts From a BlackBerry Curve |

How to Clear Contacts From a BlackBerry Curve |

What a hassle this is - is an IPhone any better? I don't know but in the spirit of cool things, the little things I really appreciate and wanted to note an easy, straight forward way of removing your old contacts from your Blackberry; cleaning house so to speak.

Thank you EHow - this was a short and easy fix to my 227 contacts that were mostly duplicates.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Which camp are you in?

So what is a 40 yr old man doing blogging about Carrie Underwood? Well to be honest, I have been a fan since seeing her on American Idol - a show I can't stand. My wife told me how great it is but all I saw was youth being used to make some old guys rich with a clear emphasis on marketing. Cynical? Yep. Well while I was working at the kitchen table, I would hear Underwood singing and I thought for once, this show was living up to the hype. Underwood didn't come with a sad story about this or that, she just seemed optimistic and had a great voice and a charm about her that actually made me (the cynic) interested in seeing how she did. Well we all know how she did so let me move on.

She has (when I have read stories about her) not apologized about thanking God for her success and voice and I was shot this video with her taking one of her first hits ("Jesus take the wheel") and adding a gospel ending to it with the song "How Great thou art". I post this because I maintain there are basically two types of people in the world. One type that will watch this and ridicule her and her choice of song as silly and outdated and "preachy" and the other will watch this and be genuinely moved by her vocals and moving sentiment of the song. I got chills...

YouTube - Carrie Underwood - Jesus Take the Wheel/How Great Thou Art - CMA Fest 2010

Oh and over at Big Hollywood Bruce Carroll notes in a story that he was at the CMA Country Music Fest where this was performed and said that ABC was televising this event and chose not to highlight this performance and questions why this decision was made when it was "...the most memorable performance of the CMA Music Fest". He continues that "It is a shame that the producers at ABC probably looked at each other, rolled their eyes, and shook their heads “no” when the saw the Underwood performance". Bruce is right on and I am happy to share this performance.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bush Campaign Chief and Former RNC Chair, Ken Mehlman: I'm Gay - Politics - The Atlantic

I found this interesting not because Ken Mehlman has declared that he is gay although I thought it odd the story puts that "Mehlman arrived at this conclusion about his identity fairly recently...". I thought it was something that you know early (whether or not you are gay)...anyway that is not what I thought interesting.

The article (posted at the Atlantic Website) outlines prominent right wingers that are supportive of Gay Rights including Dick Cheney (one of Left's the most hated people) and Mary Matalin. The story quotes Ed Gillespie as noting that these folks haven't been kicked out of the party and the Republican party shows its big tent philosophy on issues such as this - and it is a struggle at times to deal with the conflicting views on issues such as this internal to a party. But where is the big tent of the Democrat party? Wouldn't that show a little open mindedness on their part? Where are the pro-life Dems for example? Why do the Republicans have to go out of their way to show their many colored tent when no one asks or looks for the Dems to show their own inclusiveness.

The bottom line is that the Left/Dems are not inclusive. They are open to ideas that they all agree with - and are more unified in their positions (i.e. left of center politics and abject socialist tendencies). Republicans don't get any credit for showing how inclusive they are and the Dems don't get any credit for their single minded ideas. It is too bad the Media is so in the tank for the Dems to notice the hypocrisy.

Bush Campaign Chief and Former RNC Chair, Ken Mehlman: I'm Gay - Politics - The Atlantic

Thursday, August 19, 2010

U.S. Persuades Israel That Iran's Nuclear Threat Is Not Imminent -

U.S. Persuades Israel That Iran's Nuclear Threat Is Not Imminent -

Ok - well our nuts are in a sling right now. Over at the NY times I am reading that "The Obama administration, citing evidence of continued troubles inside Iran’s nuclear program, has persuaded Israel that it would take roughly a year — and perhaps longer — for Iran to complete what one senior official called a “dash” for a nuclear weapon, according to American officials." So we are basically asking Israel from standing down from taking action against this very real threat to their security.

But over at Fox News I see a story that quotes John Bolton, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations during the Bush administration, saying "it's "only a matter of time" before the Bushehr plant creates the plutonium needed to pave the way for weapons production. He's expressed concern that unless Israel strikes Bushehr before fuel is loaded, the radiation from an attack would render that possibility remote."

This is scary and I feel that no amount of negotiation will stop Iran's progress toward nuclear power and ultimately nuclear weapons.

Feds Bribing Families Into Eating Healthy?

Feds Bribing Families Into Eating Healthy?: "Your parents always told you to eat your vegetables but now the U.S. Agriculture Department is putting its money where its mouth is, launching a test project offering low-income families a 30 percent discount on fresh fruits and vegetables"

Hmm - seems like this is sort of like giving tax credits to encourage behavior the Government deems acceptable? Isn't that the basic theory or conservative economics- to give people more of their money to spend it in their best interest therefore stimulating the economy?

Notice that the Feds didn't tax "bad" food but discounted good food. Not sure I see the Federal Government's role here but there is a broader message in this story...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stallone and real men win

So over at, I was happy to see that Stallone's awesome action flick (no I haven't seen it, I just hope it is awesome) beat Eat, Pray, Love with Julia Roberts. I noted previously that Stallone was quoted as saying "...I believe that everything is a cycle. And once again America will have its cinematic heroes reflect the incredible honor it is to be defending the most extraordinary country the planet has ever known. Just give it time, everything is a cycle."

Yeah everything is a cycle and it would be nice to have a Die Hard type movie back that actually shows guys that actual kick everyone's a$$ while saving the world and also gets the lady in the end. The pure genius of Bruce Willis' character in Die Hard was that he was an everyman that actually was outmatched and outgunned and won - without crazy martial arts, massive special effects and was not afraid to be human and "a man".

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where are the cries of racism?

Quick story over at the Weekly Standard that has Harry Reid making a blatantly racist comment - implying that all Hispanics or people of Hispanic heritage were non-Republicans.

Yeah - why would Catholic Hispanics be against abortion. Why would small business Hispanics be for lower taxes. Why would Hispanic parents be concerned with the cultural rot that is coming out of Hollywood and the liberal elite...

It is time for this guy to go. I await CNN and MSNBC anchors to cover this as much as they cover the "macaca" comment made by George Allen.

Link below - tks for Drudge for the story post.

Harry Reid: "I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican." | The Weekly Standard

Checking out the twitter feed to make sure it is working

Test, test, test

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Blacks and Whites Continue to Differ Sharply on Obama

Over at the Gallup website (Drudge has it also on his Twitter feed) there is a new study that shows a split decision on Obama's approval rating split along racial lines.

The story states "President Obama's job approval rating averaged 88% among blacks and 38% among whites in July, a 50-percentage-point difference that has been consistent in recent months but is much larger than in the initial months of the Obama presidency. Obama's job approval ratings among blacks, whites, and Hispanics in July are all at their lowest levels to date, although the overwhelming majority of blacks still approve."

So with all the race talk in the air, let's throw this out there. How many people believe that the 38% approval rating for the President among whites is due to racism? I wonder what the NAACP would say? Well if you answer is yes - it is probably due to racism I would ask then what do you think about the approval rating of 88% among blacks? Why does Obama enjoy such a high approval rating from this segment of the population? Dare I say due to race? Wouldn't that be racist?

We are constantly told that the Tea Party movement is racist because it is against Obama and those that oppose healthcare are racists. Shirley Sherrod stated "You know, I haven't seen such a mean-spirited people as I've seen lately over this issue of health care. Some of the racism we thought was buried. Didn't it surface?" So how about all the people that support health care - are they racists as well? Certainly all the folks that were against Hillarycare during the Clinton years were not racist?

Bottom line - If the thesis is that Obama is protested partly because of his race, Obama is supported by some people solely because of his race. Yeah - they are racists.

Not at Ground Zero

For the record - I agree with this editorial. The decision to allow a mosque at the site of Ground Zero is disgusting. Let us see if the Muslim community rises up and supports the efforts to stop this.

Not at Ground Zero - The Editors - National Review Online

Monday, August 2, 2010

Police: 2 men tried to sell wood blocks as laptops - Yahoo! News

This is an awesome story - can I be one of the first to say "only in Mississippi"? The story should have also mentioned that these fancy laptops could be used for kindling when the Bush tax cuts expire and everyone's tax burden goes up...

Just a thought. Link to story from Yahoo News below.

Police: 2 men tried to sell wood blocks as laptops - Yahoo! News

Saturday, July 31, 2010

From Brietbart - America Loves Stallone and Stallone Loves America

Over at the Big Hollywood site run by Brietbart they have a snippet of an interview that Stallone is giving at Aint It Cool News - a fanboy site for all things cinema.

It is great to here Sly's take on the action heroes of today (did anyone see Adrian Brody in Predators - come on!!) and what the 80's and early 90's action heroes epitomized about America.

Stallone's money quote is "...I believe that everything is a cycle. And once again America will have its cinematic heroes reflect the incredible honor it is to be defending the most extraordinary country the planet has ever known. Just give it time, everything is a cycle."

I hope Sly is right he we will move away from Adrian Brody and others who demonstrate more of a "feminized" version of the arch typical hero and get back to the awesomeness of Stallone, Willis, Arnold and others who did it right.

I for one am looking forward to the Expendables.

Tks to Big Hollywood for noting this great part of Stallone's interview.

Should you freeze coffee

I love coffee and am a fan of having the freshest coffee I can get. I have invested over the course of some years in a number of one cup brewers (current fav is the Keurig) and even have a french press. One misconception I have been under is that it is good to freeze coffee. Not so fast!!

This site makes a convincing case that it is not a good thing to put the coffee in the freezer. Quoting
Some people store their coffee in the freezer thinking it is going to keep the coffee fresh. Here are a couple of reasons why storing coffee in your freezer is a bad idea:
Coffee is porous. This is a good thing for fans of flavored coffee as the beans absorb the coffee flavoring syrups and oils that are used to make flavored coffee. However, if given the chance, coffee can also absorb other things like the flavor of seafood or the moisture that your freezer produces. This moisture will in turn deteriorate the coffee and even make it taste like, well... like a freezer.
When coffee is roasted, the beans release their oils and essences to give the coffee its distinct flavor. You'll notice these oils are more prominent on dark-roasted coffee and espresso. When you break down these oils by freezing, you are removing the flavor.
Think about it...if coffee tasted better and fresher from the freezer, then you would buy it in the frozen food section, your local coffee shop might look more like an ice cream parlor, and our power bills would be through the roof trying to maintain a meat-locker the size of a warehouse.

So there you go. Coffee should not be stored in the freezer. A one time use of the freezer to store unground coffee beans is "ok" but for regular use, definitely not a good practice.

Hey I didn't know that.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Update - NAACP Racism

I had blogged recently about the condemnation of the Tea Party movement by the NAACP and I said (in part) that "Hopefully the NAACP is working within its own ranks to repudiate those racist elements in its own organization while it calls on other groups to do the same."

Well - here we go. FoxNews and others have a video of an earlier NAACP Freedom Fund banquet (March 2010) where an official in the Agriculture Department entertained the banquet attendees "...with a story about how she withheld help to a white farmer facing bankruptcy".

How rich!! How diverse!! How truly sanctimonious can you get? By the way if you watch the video (up at Big Government) you hear the audience laugh when she describes her racist behavior and attitude. Are you kidding me? - Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer

Great quote from Alexis de Tocqueville

Great quote from Alexis de Tocqueville who once observed, "Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude."

I love that...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Great Article by Ben Stein

I was over at the American Spectator Website and saw this superb article by Ben Stein that I had to post here. Stein presents a view of the current president's actions that is (in his words)"worrisome", especially his demand that BP set up a $30 billion fund to compensate the victims of the current oil leak that is wrecking havoc in the Gulf of Mexico and associated coastlines.

To quote from the article:
"But the action of the President in demanding this immense transfer of the stockholders' wealth without any legislation or court decision is extremely worrisome.

We live in a Constitutional Republic. The President's job under the Constitution is to enforce the laws made by the elected Congress. His job is not to create new laws and enforce them all by himself. His job is as magistrate under the Constitution, not as Caudillo. He is not the law. He is supposed to enforce what Congress decides.

The BP behavior is reminiscent of how, immediately after assuming office, Mr. Obama, with no Congressional authority or administrative allowance, simply made a phone call to fire the head of GM. When I called the White House press office to ask under what law or regulation Mr. Obama was acting, I was told he did not need a law. If the government put a lot of money into GM, it could call the shots at GM, I was told. But under what authority, I asked. "None needed," was the final answer."
In case you are wondering, "Caudillo" is a Spanish word for a political-military leader/dictator.

I have heard too many times folks in my day to day life call for the Government to do something "just because" (BP should pay up since they caused it) but we must remember that Government is not the solution and should not be viewed as some omniscient provider of good or social and economic justice. Too many of my fellow citizens now look to the Government to right the wrongs in their lives while the Government has no authority to do so...unless it is authority that they give up which is in essence giving up their freedom.

Kudos to Ben for a great article. Link below.

The American Spectator : Our Caudillo President

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How to fix Tweetdeck & Adobe AIR links…

Argh - another issue that I have had with various twitter clients has (I think) been solved. I use Twhirl to keep up to date on Twitter feeds but was having an issue with the default browser selection. I am a fan of Firefox but wanted to keep Chrome as the default (easier to gmail links or post to blogger) and although i had Chrome as my default browser, clicking on links in Twhirl would launch Firefox.

Tks to Fred von Graf and his blog I now have a solution. Anyone that is finding similar issues with any of the Adobe Air applications (Seesmic, Tweetdeck, etc.) should try this solution. I had to implement the more advanced solution (edit the windows registry) but it does work.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What is BlogThis! ? - Blogger Help

I may have already posted this but one great feature that I like is the ability to send a webpage right to my blog and have been looking at using this in Firefox 4.0 Beta 1. So found this in the help section of blogger and wanted to post it here for posterity's sake.

What is BlogThis! ? - Blogger Help

Monday, July 12, 2010

Michelle Obama Visits NAACP on Eve of Tea Party Condemnation - ABC News

ABC News has a story that is entitled "Michelle Obama Rouses NAACP Before Vote Condemning 'Racist' Elements of Tea Party" story is here - Michelle Obama Visits NAACP on Eve of Tea Party Condemnation - ABC News

I find this to be funny since the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is an organization founding on civil rights for one race...colored people (I am just reading the definition). Racism is defined as "racial prejudice or discrimination" by the Merriam Webster online dictionary ( Isn't that a little hypocritical?

Let me be clear - I don't begrudge the NAACP at all as they can practice and support the people they choose. But I would think that the criticism (not that i mean to imply the criticism of the tea party is valid) would mean more if it came from the National Association for the Advancement of All People (or the NAAAP).

The NAACP should also be on the look out for any member of the NAACP that is a member of the Nation of Islam or the New Black Panther Party. The Southern Poverty Law Center who sponsors Hatewatch, a website that states that it is "keeping an eye on the radical right" has classified both the Nation of Islam and and the New Black Panther Party as hate groups (under the banner of Black Separatist) stating (about the Nation of Islam) that "If a white group espoused similar beliefs with the colors reversed, few would have trouble describing it as racist and anti-Semitic. Although the racism of a group like the Nation may be relatively easy to understand, if we seek to expose white hate groups, we cannot be in the business of explaining away the black ones."

Hopefully the NAACP is working within its own ranks to repudiate those racist elements in its own organization while it calls on other groups to do the same.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

How to Safeguard Your Social Security Number

Catching up on a lot of to dos but here is a great article that I wanted to cross post since it covers something that really irritates me. I can't tell you how many times I am asked for complete private info for no apparent reason (why does Radio Shack need your address when you buy batteries? H/t to Seinfeld for that one). One of the most offensive questions involves my ssn. It seems at regular intervals I am asked for this data and my first question is "why do you need that?". Well the folks at GetRichSlowly have posted an article that addresses some questions you should ask when/if you are asked for this personal data.

How to Safeguard Your Social Security Number

Tks to Lifehacker for the tip.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Seven Myths About Grilling a Steak [Grilling]

Great post from LifeHacker - things I didn't know about cooking a steak.

Seven Myths About Grilling a Steak [Grilling]: "
Cooking instructor and author of Planet Barbecue Steven Raichlen knows a thing or two about grilling a steak, and today he's debunking a few grilling myths that'll help make your weekend barbecue that much better. More »

Barbecue - Cooking - Home - Outdoors - Barbecue grill


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Illegal immigrants able to register cars in Massachusetts

What? Story from MyFoxBoston - Illegal immigrants able to register cars in Massachusetts

What is the problem with this law exactly? I also like the video where a sign is held up that says "STOP ANTI-IMMIGRANT AMENDMENTS". There are no anti immigrant amendments. But there are anti-illegal immigration laws that states (like Arizona) are trying to enforce.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Principal bans four-letter word — ‘meep!’ - Weird news-

From MSNBC - we have another assault on Freedom of Speech. In this case - a principal of a school in Danvers, Ma has banned the word "meep" at school, threatening kids with suspension if this offensive term is uttered.

Here's to you Danvers!!

Principal bans four-letter word — ‘meep!’ - Weird news-

Whale poop fights climate change: study - Yahoo! News

2nd (and final) in a series of things I didn't know - this time about Whale Poop - tks to Yahoo News for the story.

Obese Women More Likely To Have Unsafe Sex

Chalk this up to things I didn't know - tks to FoxNews Boston - Obese Women More Likely To Have Unsafe Sex

Monday, June 7, 2010

Upcoming lifetweaks

So I got a comment that someone wanted to know what the upcoming lifetweaks were so here is what I have so far.

June 7 - I am not going to yell in anger at all. Stress free baby.
June 8 - I am going profanity free all day. Not even an a$$ will be spoken.
June 9 - I am going for a run and not think about work or anything else for that matter.

Stay tuned for June 10 and beyond.

June 4, 5 and 6 Lifetweaks

June 4 lifetweak was to stay off the computer and watch whatever my wife wanted to watch (which turned out to be the movie "The invention of lying" which had it's moments but basically so-so.

June 5 lifetweak was a repeat of an earlier one - fix something that is broken. The item in general was our office printer which now works like a charm (I think).

June 6 lifetweak was an easy one - take the kids to a movie and basically don't get stressed out about getting there on time and not worrying about the noise from other people. We went to see Marmaduke and it was basically what I had expected but it could have been funnier. The kids gave it a medium thumb (at least not thumbs down) and the day was pretty fun and stress less.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3 Lifetweak

So keeping with the month of life tweaking I decided that today was going to be alcohol day. It was pretty easy since i am not a big drinker and will not be as tough as no caffeine day to be sure.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 2 - Lifetweak

I follow a Getting Things Done Methodology (Google GTD or visit and for today's lifetweak, I am delving into the "to read" folder and cleaning up some of the stuff that I haven't gotten to in awhile (there was an article in there from 2008 for example). Spent 30 minutes reviewing the folder and catching up on some of the older items. Lifetweaked!!!

June 2010 is Lifetweaks month

So happy June – I have decided for no other reason than I want to, that June is the month to tweak daily life. What do I mean by that? Basically I am going to spend June, changing small things each day to try and get some better balance to life and institute some positive change. As Ghandi said "become the change you seek".

So in that vein, I am going to note the various little hacks I am making to my daily routine and conduct to either improve me as a person or improve my relations.

01 June Lifetweak – fix something. I took this one on and decided to diagnose and fix the Wi FI issues I was having with my IPAD. I wrote about it previously here. So did some research and learned how to change my router settings (learned the difference between WEP and WPA) and set up a different encryption and behold the IPAD seems to keep the Wi Fi signal better and doesn't appear to drop it randomly. Score!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lifehacker Pack 2010: Our List of Essential Windows Downloads

I love the site Lifehacker and was reading it and saw that they have put out their list of essential windows downloads (link is below). I agree with some of the list (still debating Chrome vs Firefox - I use both) and am still on XP and this list is focused on Win 7. I did try and use thunderbird but had an issue setting it up (possibly VPN issue?) but anyway, it is a good list to review and potentially use.

Check the list out -Lifehacker Pack 2010: Our List of Essential Windows Downloads

Monday, May 31, 2010

Issues with the Ipad

So I am a proud owner of a new Ipad and have been having issues with the wi-fi connectivity and after spending too much time researching it it looks like I had to change my router security settings and the channel that is used for broadcast. So I have done that and will give it a day or two to see if there is any change. To be honest, I am ready to return the Ipad given the issues that I have seen so far. My beloved Ipod touch that was recently broken never had these issues. I will upload some links that am using to trouble shoot issue in this post tomorrow.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The end of tv

So I am trying out the blogger app on my iPad and thought I would write about the end of tv as I know it. Yes I am talking about the series finales of Lost and 24 respectively. Both ended this week and honestly I will miss both but for very different reasons. 24 made me feel sorry for the hero (Jack Bauer) since almost nothing went right for him but also glad that there were people like him willing to do violent acts to protect America. I also admired his unfailing moral compass which apparently almost every other person lacked (including the most recent Madam President) and quite frankly he was a bad a$$.

I already wrote about Lost earlier and had some time to think about it some more and digest what the series meant and what it was shooting for. I guess it comes down to what was really "Lost" - was it the people on an island or was it about the people and their lives (or souls)? In the end was the series about them all earning redemption and moving on en masse to a better place? A lot of unanswered questions abound but I never thought we would get them all addressed. In the end though we cared about the losties and the journey that they were on and how it eventually ended.

To be honest I will miss these shows as they were in so many ways must see TV and stimulated so much conversation and fellowship that their absence will be felt by all who waited patiently for the familiar 24 and Lost opening themes. Interesting that they both had heroes names Jack. I had tried Heroes and Flash Forward but both failed to capture me like the folks at CTU and the survivors of flight 815. There is definitely a hole right now in my week that I can fill with something else, but I doubt it will be as interesting or as captivating.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lost Finale (initial thoughts)

Thinking about the Lost Series Finale - not sure I get it yet and if the discussion happening on Facebook is any inclination, I am not alone. I do think that many of us felt that the island was "purgatory" or something between heaven and hell but I get that it isn't if people can escape from it? Or was the sideways world purgatory where everyone had to be together to move forward to heaven?

I dunno - and I will be thinking about this more. BTW - loved the small bit between Hugo and Ben at the end. Ben wasn't ready to move on - did he need to make more amends?

Loved it - have to watch it again I think but thought it was a fine show with great imagery and iconography. But I need to ponder on it a bit more.

I will leave you with John Miller (posting over at National Review) with some quick thoughts.

Lost - John J. Miller - The Corner on National Review Online

Sunday, May 23, 2010 - Bisexual men claim discrimination in Gay World Series

I am playing catch up on my to do list and saw this on Fox News a while back. Basically the story notes that "Three bisexual men filed a lawsuit in Seattle, Washington against the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance (NAGAAA) claiming they were discriminated against for not being gay enough to participate in the organization's Gay Softball World Series...". The original source of the story appears to the the Seattle Times.

Not being gay enough? I will deal with that in a minute but since when is there a Gay Softball World Series? How is participation determined and how is it verified? And why is it ok to have a world series for softball for gays - I am sure straights don't have their own world series (can you imagine a don't ask, don't tell rule for "straight softball"? I am sure that would go over well). I just can't get enough of groups that preach inclusion offer up their own exclusionary rules.

Now - not being gay enough. Someone please tell me how this is determined. And again, how it is verified? Do you need to produce supporting documentation to justify a participant's gayness? Maybe there is a form to fill out and you must include references.

This is patently absurd and as groups continue to have their own activities focused on lifestyle choice, sexual orientations, whatever, we will continue to become more polarized as a country and more silly in our culture. What ever happened to keeping bedroom activities out of the limelight?

Resolution: We need a bi-sexual world series as well. And then we will need a metro-sexual world series also. Let's not forget the transsexual crowd, we need to ensure they have a world series as well. Is it homophobic if I mention to be fair we should have a straight world series as well? That is of course preposterous. So is any of the others I mentioned.

Hey - that is my opinion. Story from Fox News below. - Bisexual men claim discrimination in Gay World Series

Sunday, May 16, 2010

2 Simple Ingredients That Will Boost your Morning Energy - by Dumb Little Man

2 Simple Ingredients That Will Boost your Morning Energy - by Dumb Little Man

Just reading twitter feeds from Lifehacker and followed an article to the website - looks like it is a good read and wanted to share - as I am a big proponent of push ups in the morning (I like the plan at this got my attention.

Rock on!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

TwInbox - Use Twitter directly from Outlook.

TwInbox - Use Twitter directly from Outlook.

I just found this utility and it is really great. I have tried all the fancy twitter clients (or at least most of them) and since most of my work/GTD system and general tasks occur in outlook is was a no brainer to adopt this into my mail client and use twitter feeds more effectively.

Seems to be no real issue with performance (as of now) and quite frankly I love the convergence of many sources of information found in one place. I am even keeping up better with the news. Otherwise how else could I learn that Bill Clinton has offered himself as a lottery prize to pay off Hillary's campaign debts.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Parent Advice - Sneaky Ways Advertisers Target Kids - Common Sense Media

Checking out a great website ( and saw this small article that I thought worth mentioning. Under "Sneaky Ways Advertisers Target Kids I saw this note about how Twitter is being used -

Parent Advice - Sneaky Ways Advertisers Target Kids - Common Sense Media: "1. Kim Kardashian. Tweets from reality TV stars, musicians, and other celebs can earn them $10,000. That's right, the rich and famous are cashing in on their Twitter fans by tweeting about how much they love a certain product. And unlike sponsored Twitter ads, these celeb tweets are not labeled 'Ad.'"

Just something to be aware of -

Friday, May 7, 2010 - California Principal Apologizes for Forbidding U.S. Flag Shirts on Mexican Holiday - California Principal Apologizes for Forbidding U.S. Flag Shirts on Mexican Holiday: "'School leaders have to make judgment calls on when to take preventative measures to pre-empt a possible incident or conflict,' Smith said. 'In this situation, it appears that a decision was made too quickly.'"

So here is my question - the decision was made too quickly to forbid US Flag shirts on Cinco De Mayo. at this school in California? What does how hastily the decision was made have to do with anything? My feeling is that if the school had waited another 60 minutes, they still would have made the same decision.

This is shameful. Remember what country this is? Why the hell would Cinco De Mayo celebrators be offended? : feed your blog to twitter

So I was poking around some social media stuff and came upon TwitterFeed. Does this post to Twitter? Let's see. : feed your blog to twitter

Can't Delete podcasts off Touch - iLounge Forums

I can't tell you how frustrated I was when I couldn't get old podcasts off my Ipod Touch when they didn't show up in Itunes. Well the folks at iLounge came to my rescue.

User dazzerart notes:

"I had the same problem. But you CAN delete the podcasts from your ipod touch without using your pc

Go to your podcast list on your ipod touch. Dont swipe the screen now... it wont work

Click an individual podcast - it will now have the date and time of podcast in the description
dont click it - that would just play the podcast - instead just slide your finger from left to right and a red delete button will appear.

Click that and the podcast is no more!"

Thank you!!!

Can't Delete podcasts off Touch - iLounge Forums

I can't tell you how frustrated I was when I couldn't get old podcasts off my Ipod Touch when they didn't show up in Itunes. Well the folks at iLounge came to my rescue.

User dazzerart notes:

"I had the same problem. But you CAN delete the podcasts from your ipod touch without using your pc

Go to your podcast list on your ipod touch. Dont swipe the screen now... it wont work

Click an individual podcast - it will now have the date and time of podcast in the description
dont click it - that would just play the podcast - instead just slide your finger from left to right and a red delete button will appear.

Click that and the podcast is no more!"

Thank you!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Can we sustain this (1/2 of households pay no tax)?

Over at the Drudgereport was a big banner that stated "ROB THY NEIGHBOR: HALF OF HOUSEHOLDS PAY NO FED INCOME TAX". So I clicked on the link and it brought me to a Yahoo News story that reported that "About 47 percent will pay no federal income taxes at all for 2009. Either their incomes were too low, or they qualified for enough credits, deductions and exemptions to eliminate their liability. That's according to projections by the Tax Policy Center, a Washington research organization."

The source of the story is the Tax Policy Center which has a report (dated 02 July 2009) that supports this data. And I ask you, when you hear new Healthcare policies, increased Government dependency, and the other crap that Obama has planned for the US, how can we continue to prosper when ½ of the households have no stake in how tax money is paid and have no responsibility to pay for services that they enjoy. Secondly, how would a candidate who threatens to perhaps decrease this dependency be treated? Would any of these households vote to decrease their tax credits, deductions and exemptions? What responsibility do the other 53% of households have to sustain the entire Tax base? Doesn't seem very fair….

Not to sound like a prick – how many of these households have cell phones, big screen TVs and other luxury items?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Only violence on the right?

Tks to Fox News for actually doing a great story on the supposed ownership of violence on the right. I have heard the tired old statements from my friends on the right that complain about the tea party movement and how it is inciting violence against Obama. Check out this story on the Fox News website that takes great pains to explain that George Bush was "was hanged in effigy, burned in effigy, compared to Hitler, called the Antichrist, a human abortion, and made the subject of numerous sustained death threats for about seven years."

Violence has no real claim to the right just as truth has no moral claim on the left. For everyone who is so willing to see threats from the other side and don't police their own politics are charlatans and fakes.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Can I back post?

Trying to see if I have the option to post retroactively...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Blogging from MS Word

I found this great link here that helps me blog right from Word via a shortcut on my desktop. I love the flexibility that MS Word offers and of course I like that it has a nice spell check and capitalizes all my "I's".


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Withholding of Tax Returns

States may hold onto tax refunds for months -


This really frosts me - refunds mean that we as citizens have overpaid the government and it is just scary that delivering our $ back to us could be put on hold because of the Government's budget issues. I wonder if we as citizens can earn interest on the money that we are owed.

This is why people should fear Government and want it as small as possible. The Government has its own rules - if it needs $ it can print more, not pay its bills or tax the citizens more. It does not need to live under a balanced budget (or a budget at all) and can basically exert control over its citizens in ways that would by scary if written in a political thriller rather than what we see each day.


Why do we vote for larger/bigger Government and feel it can do grander things (such as solve the healthcare problems) if it cannot even balance its own (state or federal) budget? And people who thought that the fears of rationed care were unfounded. Wakeup!!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Four-day school week?

Reading the local Fox station's rss and see that there is a growing call for a 4-day school week to address budget gaps. In my opinion, this is actually the very wrong thing to cut to address budget woes. As it stands (according to this story in the Boston Examiner "Eight graders from the United States rank below students in many Asian countries when it comes to Science and Math, according to The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study."

Do we really want to make budget decisions that could dramatically impact the future of US children? Aren't there other things to cut (I can probably find some "diversity initiatives" to remove)? This is a bad decision.

Ok - some of you are saying, the school days will be longer. But what is the impact to sporting programs that are played after school? Here locally, there is a 1/2 day every week that the entire school is dismissed early. If the teachers are paid for a full day's work, why not (at a minimum) use that day for a full day of instruction?

Here is the link to the story - Four-day school week?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Iraqi leader willing to ask some U.S. troops to stay -

Ok - I called this a way before the election.

We (the US) are there for the long haul and the American People, Congress and President should realize that.

Iraqi leader willing to ask some U.S. troops to stay -

Falmouth boy, 7, faces assault and battery charge | Greggorey Ball-Roemer |

I am divided on this - Assault and Battery for a 7 yr old?

Falmouth boy, 7, faces assault and battery charge | Greggorey Ball-Roemer |

Falmouth boy, 7, faces assault and battery charge | Greggorey Ball-Roemer |

I am divided on this - Assault and Battery for a 7 yr old?

Falmouth boy, 7, faces assault and battery charge | Greggorey Ball-Roemer |

City’s police sharpen their watch on crime - The Boston Globe

Interesting take on Boston's new crime fighting initiative. Would like to hear a follow up story and the crimes that were prevented..

City’s police sharpen their watch on crime - The Boston Globe: "As part of a new crime-fighting initiative unveiled yesterday, Boston police now have the ability to witness shootings, robberies, and even homicides on many city streets from computer screens at headquarters and then distribute crucial information about the suspects and the crimes to officers heading to the scene. - Demon vs. Phantom Ray: The World’s Deadliest Drones

Been awhile since I had chimed in but been busy. Trying to get back into it and will start with a good story on UASs and their use in military operations (tks to Fox News). - Demon vs. Phantom Ray: The World’s Deadliest Drones: "The U.S. is investing billions of dollars in drones, the unmanned aircraft that are key to the modern military."

What is BlogThis! ? - Blogger Help

Not sure if I had found this before but this is a great feature to have on your browser.

What is BlogThis! ? - Blogger Help