Thursday, November 1, 2007

Another Teacher/Student affair?

What the hell is happening in our schools these days? Here is a story of another teacher who is 25, on the run with a 13 yr old boy who she was allegedly having a "relationship" with. If this was an older guy with a young girl everyone would call it what it is (creepy, disturbed, a crime, rape, etc.) but what is wrong with teachers such as this that they jeopardize their career, family, reputation, etc for a relationship with a child basically? What are they searching for that a 13 yr old can fulfill - tips on Xbox games, how to ride a skateboard, or how to combat acne?

We have lost a sense of shame in this country and crimes like this (and others that have been reported in the news in the past) don't get the scrutiny and judgment that they deserve. Somewhere we lost our guardrails that we used to have on society and we are poorer for it. - Nebraska Teacher, 13-Year-Old Student, on the Run in Colorado - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

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