Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Is Obama black enough?

CBS posted a story regarding Obama's "racial identity" (online is here) and I found it interesting the folks that CBS used to make their supposed point.

The story has an interesting note:
"...recent polls show Hillary Clinton is the choice of more black Democrats, and it's clear that Obama's racial identity gives pause to some. He is not the descendant of African slaves, but is the son of a white mother and a Kenyan father, so he alone gets questions about just who he is."
So is CBS trying to make a point that black Democrats should be voting for Obama because of racial identity? Uhh isn't that a little racist itself? Doesn't Obama have any strengths that appeal to black Democrats other than his supposed race? As the story continues Obama notes that he self identifies himself as a "African-American". Man I would have loved for Obama to say that instead of an "African-American" he self indentifies himself as a "American" and put himself about what is usually where these conversations go - to racial identities which is one of the few factors that have little meaning to a potential President (along with gender of course).

CBS of course is not one to avoid playing the "whites are racist" card.
Of course, there are whites who will never vote for Obama because he is black.

"I don't want to sound prejudiced or anything, but for one, I am not going to vote for a colored man to be our president," said one South Carolina voter.
So good for CBS - they got a unidentified South Carolina voter (who is white by the way although the story doesn't say it - NewsBusters has the inside scoop) to showcase the stereotypical white closed minded southern racist. But recall the implied premise of the story - "Is Obama black enough" and why he is not appealing to more black Democrats who seem to be heading toward Hillary. Did CBS find a lone black Democrat who stated that although it might sound prejudiced, he or she would never vote for a non-colored woman to be our president? I missed that in the story if it was there and heaven forbid CBS note the racism in any other race besides whites. Another crackerjack job by CBS!

Outspoken Roman

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