Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Spitzer proposal goes down to defeat

I am an ex-NY resident and have never been a fan of NY politics and was happy to see that New York Governor Spitzer is abandoning his plan for driver's licenses for illegal aliens. The New York Times blog has this quote that I wanted to discuss:
“The issue does not disappear,” he (Spitzer) said. “The issue will not be gone tomorrow or next week in the absence of federal legislation. I hope I don’t need to raise it again, because I hope you will see a comprehensive resolution of this issue.” But he added, “You have a polarization on this issue that has defied resolution.”
Let's be clear. There was no polarization on this issue. Fox News reports that "
About 70 percent of New Yorkers opposed the plan, according to a Siena College poll of 625 registered voters released Tuesday." As others are reporting such as Rush Limbaugh, this is not polarization (say a 50/50 split between New Yorkers) but a clear issue that residents do not support and the governor is wise to move away from this issue.

I will say that I do agree that the Federal Government has neglected a real national security issue with ignoring the border issues and left the states to fend for themselves. This is a huge failure of the Bush Administration with its refusal to move beyond proposed amnesty and although I disagree with Spitzers proposal, this issue raises real problems with the lack of direction by the President and by the Congress to be fair. The country does not want amnesty with all the costs that come with that and instead support reasoned and supportable legal immigration and a border crackdown to halt the illegal entry into this country. This is a threat and should be addressed by each of the Presidential candidates specifically. I wonder if Wolf Blitzer will have this addressed?

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