Thursday, November 29, 2007

(Update) WND notes some Gay Friendly discounts on Airline site

Update: Today WND has posted an update to the previous story. The crux of the story has not changed (still hard to believe and of course the question still remains as to "why" - I thought that sexual identity was a private issue). Interestingly enough, this discount effort is being done at various other Airlines (see this site at American Airlines and this site for LGBT vacation deals!). This is just really hard to believe - vacation deals based on Sexual Preference. It doesn't get much stranger than that! Maybe we should start giving deals on height, or whether or not a person wears glasses? This is just too hard to believe but shows how powerful this special group lobby is and how important it is to companies such as these to placate the diversity crowd. Heaven forbid they low their fares for everyone.

WND has a story that I just had to share as I am not sure how long it will remain up. It seems that Alaska Airlines is offering a discount for being Gay and wanting to "for travel between Newark and any city in the US, Canada or Mexico served by Alaska Airlines or Horizon Air" (quoted from Alaska Airline's website).

Now to get to the discounted flight fare page you had to go directly to the URL below as I couldn't find any other way to get there from the front page (including viewing the "Air Deal" page). Direct URL to the Gay discount page is

The website notes that you can use the promo code "EC06607" to get the discount so when I went to the explanation of the promo codes it is referred to as the "LGBT Holiday 07 Destination" code (LGBT would be Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (thanks to Wikipedia)). In reading the WND story, it seems that the story broke as a tip from an employee and when asked about the discount, Alaska Airlines renamed the page from "Gay Travel" to "New York City on Sale". See the original site via picture here. What a crock! Can you imagine an airlines giving you a discount based on you being a heterosexual? I also have to ask how are they going to enforce this (you have to bring your partner to check in or make some overtly homosexual action to cut down on fraud?). Why is Alaska Airlines even collecting this sort of data? I thought that we wanted to keep what happens in the bedroom private between consenting adults? Where is the uproar over homosexuals being asked to "out" themselves?

Is this the biggest threat to our country? Not really. It is more light hearted than what we usually tackle here but it makes you wonder about the purpose of a program such as this and why it would pass muster from upper management? If they were so proud of the program why change the title of the web page once WND got wind of the story. Makes you wonder.

So is this the biggest threat to our country right now? Nope - that would be the next potential President with the last name Clinton, Edwards, Kucinich or the rest of the crew or radical Islamic Fundamentalism or the rampant illegal immigration or the blatant breakdown of our cultural and societal standards. But I digress.

Outspoken Roman

Original Story is below:
WorldNetDaily: Airline 'discount' charges heterosexual customers more

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