Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Why is this an entertainment story?

The UPI story linked here discusses how Ann Coulter has requested that her Palm Beach County address be kept anonymous as the leftist crazies have seen fit to harass her and showcase that open mindedness in public discourse that each liberal professes to have but seems to never really demonstrate (a little sarcasm there). I find it interesting that UPI has seen fit to file this story under the "Entertainment" section as opposed to say the "Politics" or "Crime" section. Note that this story is in the same section as a story entitled "Hillary a fan of 'Dancing with the Stars'" but the Coulter story apparently rates lower than the story "Photographer avoids Diana inquest" which rates as a story that is listed in the "Top News" section.


Original story is below:
Coulter wins right to keep address private - UPI.com

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