Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bill Press supports the fairness doctrine

I know that is too obvious as Bill Press is a liberal who has not seen great success compared to Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and others who (in my opinion) give voice to the thoughts that most Americans have (I believe that most Americans are right of center). Newsbusters has a story that Press supports the Fairness Doctrine because:
"Conservatives have their own powerful television network: the only one, the most powerful in the country, the most watched. Liberals have none. Conservatives rule the op-ed pages of all the newspapers."
First off, what the hell does he mean "the only one" (the only television network?). I assume he is referring to Fox News (I can some of the Liberals on Fox but I am hard pressed to do the same with CNN or MSNBC). Secondly he notes that conservatives rule the op-ed pages? Has he ever read the Boston Globe, NY Times or LA Times or is he spending his time just reading the Washington Times? I guess the liberals need to believe these lies so they can justify the crackdown on free speech which they was supposed to be the guardian.

Well I find it funny reading this and finding the following stories from the Media Research Center and Newsbusters respectively. First of the Media Research Center reports that
Amy Sullivan, editor of the "Nation" section for Time magazine stated on MSNBC that Hillary Clinton is a "moral conservative". Yeah right and the Outspoken Roman blog gets as many hits as the Drudge Report. Secondly Newbusters is reporting that
"Markos Moulitsas, the founder and publisher of, will become a Newsweek contributor for the 2008 presidential campaign, offering occasional opinion pieces to the pages of the magazine and to"
No liberal bias there. Obviously we need to balance off those right wingers on the radio. Maybe NBC and others can give Democratic staffers national shows to get the message out. Oh wait a minute, they have already done that with Tim Russert, Chris Matthews and George Stephanopoulos. Congress can pass the Fairness Doctrine when it is to apply to networks as well I mean wouldn't that be fair?

Outspoken Roman

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