Monday, November 12, 2007

WND reports "Red, green lights to be banned?"

WorldNetDaily: Red, green lights to be banned?

So it is not even Thanksgiving and we have a task force in Colorado making a recommendation to ban red and green Christmas lights as "they fall among the items that are too religious for the city to sponsor". Ok so I guess Christianity now owns the colors red and green or somewhere in the Bible must be some pronouncement on those icicle shaped lights. Was that one of the commandments? Did God say to Moses "go forth and hang those nice little red and green lights from your house to really irk your non-Christian neighbors"? I didn't know the Almighty had such a sense of humor.

The WND story continues with this great quote from one the spokesmen from the task force (yes this is a quote). "Some symbols, even though the Supreme Court has declared that in many contexts they are secular symbols, often still send a message to some members of the community that they and their traditions are not valued and not wanted".

If I read this right, and red and green lights are deemed too religious and since Christmas is a Christian Holiday and this special task force is recommending a ban on these lights - what sort of message is the task force sending to the good Coloradans who want to have red and green lights throughout their community? I would proffer that the stellar task force is sending the message that those folks who think that Christmas is about a little more than consumerism, snowflakes, icicles, ice skates and polar bears are not valued nor are their traditions not valued as they don't want anyone to feel left out. Let me offer up a little advice. This is a holiday that like it or not, has its roots mainly in Christian religions. An attempt to make it about something that it isn't (say polar bears) dilutes what the day is for and if you don't celebrate Christmas, is there really a lot of offense given by red and green lights? In our attempt to placate the "minority" groups that may feel not valued, efforts like this actually work to marginalize the great majority of Americans who are instead told to "get over it" or to "stop pushing your religion or views on everyone else". What do you think the Colorado Task Force is doing? I am sure they do not see it that way but that is what they are doing, ramming their ideological beliefs down the throats of everyone else.

Thank goodness Kwanzaa and Diwali continue unabated.

Outspoken Roman

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