Thursday, November 1, 2007

What is the deal with Halloween?

Why is Halloween so popular when some of the other holidays seem to have lost their luster? I think this is the dumbest of holidays yet folks go crazy with it dressing up, carving pumpkins, handing out candy, putting up decorations, almost like Christmas. The schools have Halloween parades and parties but they cannot have a Christmas party or an Easter party (or a Kwanzaa party for that matter). Again, what is it about this day that makes folks go wild?

Well I think I have figured it out. First off, consider that Halloween is big business and of course it is also for the children so how can that be wrong? I think it is insidious how marketing campaigns work either pushing an agenda that is designed to separate me from more of my money and really serves no purpose. I read in an advertising article once that the Ad execs were posturing to make it "acceptable" or even the norm that Easter becomes similar to Christmas in gift giving (that was their goal). Can you get your mind around that? Someone (or some agency or agencies) are plotting how to manipulate the public to consider a day that is set aside to honor the resurrection of Jesus as a day to exchange gifts. What is next an Easter tree? Now of course non-Christians would probably have no problem with this but that is not the issue rather it is the manipulation of the public to serve the all mighty dollar. So back to Halloween. This is the same thing. We have been manipulated and told "it's fun" so go ahead and buy those 5 pumpkins for $50. Hey, it is all about having fun. As far as the schools go, well this "holiday" is about being fun and it is not offensive. Yeah - tell that to the folks who think reading Harry Potter encourages witchcraft or interest in the occult. This day is one that doesn't require anyone to take a stand on their beliefs like Easter, Hanukkah or Christmas. So we blithely slap down $30 for a costume and go along to get along because we don't want to appear as not wanting anyone not to have fun. Well I think it is a crock and all this day is for is for the Mars Company and Hersheys and other stores such as Party Inc to make money off of you and me. Be warned - Madison Avenue is coming up with all kinds of new ways to separate us from our dollars (Sweetest Day, Grandparents Day, the list goes on) and heaven forbid these don't get celebrated appropriately.

Yeah I know - you think I am a stick in the mud (wait till I blog about Christmas) but since when was fun a good excuse? Why is it acceptable for parents to send kids out to strangers and beg for candy. Why don't we just go out and buy them a six pack of Snickers? Wouldn't that be easier?

Finally what are we celebrating with Halloween? Well I checked Wikipedia and it said:

The modern holiday of Halloween has its origins in the ancient Gaelic festival known as Samhain (pronounced /ˈsˠaunʲ/ from the Old Irish samain). The festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture, and is sometimes erroneously[2] regarded as the "Celtic New Year".
So we (supposedly a Judeo-Christian Nation) has a national holiday of pagan ancestry. This is just stupid. All of us Sheeple take our marching orders from tradition or from Madison Ave and never question whether or not this makes sense or is generally good. Well next year no pumpkins!!! The stand starts here.

Outspoken Roman

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