Friday, August 24, 2007

Florida gets it right

Yahoo News is reporting that Jessica Lunsford's killer has received a death sentence for his kidnap, rape and burying alive of the 9 year old girl. This bastard was a convicted sex offender and should be banished to one of Dante’s 9 circles of Hell for his crimes. What really frosts me is that the 2 of the jurors voted against the death penalty. Yeah let’s keep this piece of human debris alive so he can feed off the system for awhile and watch his free HBO in prison while he recalls what he did to young Jessica and who knows what else. I can only hope and pray that the appeal process is swift (and denied) and justice (yes justice!) is swifter.

This slimeball buried this little girl alive. I applaud Florida and the Jurors involved in this Jury for getting this right and making it a tiny bit safer for all the little kids out there who will never had to deal with this filth again. And yes I am avoiding mentioning his name. He is already dead to me and I hope soon to society as well.

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