Sunday, August 12, 2007

What the heck is wrong with Chris Matthews?

I am not a fan of Chris Matthews or his show “Hardball”. I am really not a fan of MSNBC in general and usually watch CNN or get my news on-line. I will say that I heard Chris Matthews fill in for Rush Limbaugh in the 90’s, right after the Columbine School shootings and I thought he was pretty good (he kept me listening at least) but on TV, he always struck me as a bit of a blowhard. He also has deep ties to the Democratic party and although I don’t begrudge him that, I always wondered when Fox News was being pilloried as the voice of the Bush Administration why the same critics weren’t pointing fingers at Matthews (who has worked for at least three Democratic politicians including being a speechwriter in the Carter White house) and mentioning his apparent loyalties. I guess he was given a pass due to his political leanings.

Anyway Newbusters is reporting a great story (video is here) about an exchange Matthews had with a CNBC reporter, asking her to move closer to the camera and joking about her looks. Basically Matthews engaged in (at a minimum) inappropriate sexually suggestive remarks and I am checking Breitbart to see if anyone is calling for his resignation and the all so necessary public apology. Can you imagine the uproar if Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly had a similar exchange with Megyn Kelly or Laurie Dhue? First off Media Matters would pick it up and then it would be the lead story in all the morning discussions (like O’Reilly’s sexual harassment lawsuit was) and there would be calls for Fox to terminate him, and all that. Fox would be revealed (supposedly) as the anti-women, patriarchal establishment that all their foes thought they were to begin with. But I digress…

I think this is typical of the double standard that is in the News Media today (now referred to as the MSM (or Mainstream Media)). I recall that President Carter (remember Matthews was a speechwriter for Carter) admitted in a Playboy interview that he (President Carter) “lusted in his heart” for women other than his wife. Maybe it is time for Chris Matthews to do the same.

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