Wednesday, August 29, 2007

More Hypocrisy from the Left

So I blogged last time on those conservative politicians who open themselves up to hypocrisy and saw this story linked over at Drudge with the latest potential government dictate from John Edwards. The story outlines how John Edwards wants American’s to get rid of their SUVs (this statement was made in a speech to labor unions). Quoting from the story “Edwards says Americans should be asked to drive more fuel efficient vehicles. He says he would ask them to give up SUVs.”. So my first question is, what happens if Americans do not? Would it be something a President Edwards would move to make a law? Why do all the left leaning supporters of Edwards who support “choice” in other areas (except for choice in school) throw away their principles when a candidate basically infers that he would “ask” (read “dictate”) what cars American can drive? But what, there’s more.

This is the same John Edwards that owns a 28,000 sq foot mansion and of course at least two SUVs. When he was asked about the apparent contradiction (i.e. he is asking ordinary Americans to sacrifice and he shows no willingness to do the same) he replied that he worked hard all his life and had no apologies. Thanks to Fox News for the info.

Actually John Edwards has stumbled into something that I agree with him on. There may be more but let’s deal with what I know. I work hard every day as well and don’t believe some politician should always see me and those like me (productive Americans) as a resource that hasn’t been tapped out yet by way of taxes to a bloated Government. We are paying enough in taxes and would like the Government to have a budget just like we do and stick to it. Don’t borrow from our sons and daughters so we can pay for some new social convenience so you or politicians from your party can prostrate themselves in front of some vested interest or new political group. So John, I work hard as well and don’t apologize for what I have either. I would also add that I would like to hold on to it rather than be taxed into giving it up to cure some perceived social ill.

John Edwards wants us to give up our SUVs. Al Gore wants to end Global Warming but has no problem jetting around in private airplanes and living in his palatial estate. Bill Clinton had no problem getting an extremely expensive haircut while on the tarmac of an airport holding up air traffic while he lectured us about needing to be more compassionate (i.e. pay more taxes). Even John Edward got into the act with the expensive haircuts ($400). But hypocrisy like this is outweighed by their supporters’ absolute devotion to the causes that politicians like this espouse. Here is an example. The writer donated to the Edwards campaign and discusses the Edwards haircut and actually implies it is some Republican spin machine keeping the story going. This is classic. It is not the action that is the story (or the hypocrisy – aren’t there two Americas according to John Edwards, the haves and have nots) but those that are perpetuating the story. Just like how the Republicans were all concerned about sex during the Lewinsky scandal – heaven forbid some law minded politicians be concerned with Clinton’s perjury. Well let’s all keep drinking the Kool Aid while the politicians preach their rhetoric. By the way, which of the two Americas can one get a $400 haircut?

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