Friday, August 17, 2007

Score one for parents but they (and we) lose as well.

Quick link and story and file this under humorous and sad all in one. The News & Observer out of North Carolina has this story in the news section “Teen who married teacher loses lawsuit seeking toys from parents”. Lead paragraph reads as follows “A 16-year-old girl who married her 40-year-old former teacher cannot force her parents to return her Beanie Baby collection, a PlayStation video game console and other belongings, a judge ruled.” I didn’t know someone could get married at 16 (there should be a law against that) but to compound matters the new bride was miffed that her parents wouldn’t let her take some of her favorite toys to her new house.

A 16 year old married to a 40 year old? When did this stop being creepy and sick and worthy of condemnation as a society? What the hell is wrong with this picture?

There I go judging again.

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