Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Random News

One of my favorite programs has made a hiring decision that makes me uneasy. Apparently Janeane Garofalo has joined the cast of the show “24”. Drudge has a link to a story here. What happened to the radio show on Air America? I guess it didn’t work out. But interesting that a right-leaning show would take on such a leftist in its cast and I wonder how many lefties would do the same? I am also wondering if Joel Surnow (pal to Rush Limbaugh and reportedly a right winger) will discuss politics and how he personally disagrees with her views but how the show is above right/left. My guess is he will not and keep himself above the fray as he seems like decent folk. I wonder if Janeane will do the same? The Ouspoken Roman guesses not. I wonder where this show is going (it has already been reported that the US President will be a woman) and would hate for it to lose its conservative edge (not a political perspective (i.e. against abortion or for limited government)) but its strong national defense perspective) in favor of some sort of social engineering platform. Next up, the main villain in the next season of 24 will be some extreme right-wingers who make up part of the Aryan nation.

Yahoo News is reporting via an AP story that Michael Vick is going to plead guilty in the dogfighting case. Is there any reason why this guy should ever be welcome on a football field again? I am sick and tired of organizations not judging people within the organization making it seem like it is such an enlightened position. Recall Michael Irvin (another buddy of Rush Limbaugh) plagued with drug problems back in 1996. Even after pleading no contest he still was welcome back on the Dallas Cowboys and then was welcome onto ESPN as an NFL Analyst. Why? They should have never hired this guy. Further, Irvin seems to be a bit of a racist. And this guy is in the hall of fame. Yes I think we should evaluate the total person, not just what they do on a football field. Who cares if isn’t fair.

If Democrats don’t vote for Barack Obama, are they racist? According to Elton John, they are if we apply his American Idol standards.

Hillary’s cleavage is news. During the great Mark Levin’s show a caller said that he had seen better cleavage on a plumber. That is a great quote. Who cares what she is showing? Can’t we do better than recycling politician’s families? All we need is for Jeb Bush to run for President again. Seeing the schedule of Hollywood remakes maybe there is no originality out there. Although see my book review of The Ruins. I am so glad that it will be made into a movie. Please don’t screw it up.

Why the hell is anyone involved with the new OJ book (“If I did it”)? Here is a news flash: Yes you did it and yes you got off on the murder charge. Yes race played a part in the decision and yes you are a despicable human being. Props to Barnes and Noble (a chain I really support) who are not stocking the OJ book (story here). In my opinion any money generated from this book is blood money and OJ should be dispatched to the dustbin of American history. I wonder how OJ’s hunt for the real murderer is going? Maybe we can get him involved in the Natalee Holloway disappearance as well?

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