Thursday, August 23, 2007

Justice and Elvira Arellano

I already mentioned this story here but it continues to drive a lot of interest in the media. So to start Elvira Arellano was an illegal immigrant who was arrested and deported last week leaving behind an 8 year old son who is an American citizen. Why the heck are people upset that the United States upheld its own laws? Not only was she an illegal immigrant (i.e. a criminal) she was originally ordered to leave the US back in 1997 but still found her way back to the US (where the hell is that Border Fence that we were supposed to have?) and even got convicted of using a phony Social Security card.

So I came across this article from a Socialist Website noting that (in part) that ““All women’s rights are under attack…whether it’s abortion rights, the right to raise children if that’s our choice—with everything they need for a decent life”. This was part of a talk by Kris Hamel of the Detroit Action Network for Reproductive Rights. Apparently this group has a bone to pick with the US because of Elvira’s deportation.

Where is it in the Constitution that all American Citizens are owed “everything they need for a decent life”? If you said “Nowhere” you would be correct. Instead socialists like Workers World jump onto any cause celeb that they feel will either further their cause directly or help unite disparate groups against the ‘establishment’ indirectly. Why is an abortion rights group aligned with socialists? Elvira Arellano was a criminal and she deserved to be deported regardless of whether or not her cause becomes fodder for people who have not clue what the American Government and Constitution are about. What does the struggle of Elvira Arellano have to do with justice unless the implication is she is owed something just because of her location. This country was not established to give everyone an equal outcome but equal opportunity. Elvira Arellano got what she deserved and everyone’s time would be better served working on the real problems this country has rather than the perceived problems various disgruntled groups have. True justice was sending Elvira back where she came from.

Final thought – I always here about the extreme right wing of the Republican party. Will Newsweek or Nightline or Time or 60 Minutes feature any stories on the extreme wing of the Democrat Party? Worker’s World would be a good start.

Ann Coulter’s great column on this is out and should be required reading.

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