Wednesday, August 22, 2007

An Illegal Alien in this country is not a crime?

WND has a story that is quite shocking and ludicrous in my opinion but in reading it, also shows the problem with the intricate system of laws that we have in this country. In short the WND story states that the Kansas Court of Appeals has issued a ruling that “… found that while the laws of the United States make it illegal to enter the United States without authorization, being in the United States after entering illegally is "not necessarily a crime." What? That seems to be like saying it is a crime to break into a house but it is not a crime if you are caught in the house itself. Or better yet, a person is not cheating on their significant other if they are caught “in the act” only if they are caught “propositioning” to cheat. Oh man this makes my head hurt. Maybe I should have called this blog the Twilight Zone as I usually have to ask myself where the hell do I live? By the way the illegal immigrant (i.e. law breaker) in the case had pled guilty to “… possession of cocaine, a felony, and endangering a child, because he had his young son deliver drugs to a law enforcement officer working under cover.” (source is the WND Story).

This is a huge failure of the Bush Administration and state and local authorities as well. Illegal immigration is a slow (and not so slow) invasion that remains unchecked and a continued threat to this country’s national security. Any Presidential Candidate to at least get my support better address this issue and not use the term amnesty.

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