Thursday, August 16, 2007

Watch out for the flume!

Of no particular interest to anyone but me, I have to write on the activity I participated today. Instead of working I went on a whale watch from Gloucester and had a great time. Props and thanks go to the crew of 7 Seas Whale Watch for giving all of us quite a ride. Although we didn’t see a lot of whales (5-6 sightings), on the way back to port we did ride through a pack of about 100 dolphins leaping and frolicking in our wake. It was my first time going on a whale watch and the group that I went with had a blast. I did not know for example that the Humpback Whales can be identified by their individual white markings on their tails (I love learning all sorts of strange trivia). I also learned from the local pub that some of us went to for lunch that Ipswich Ale is brewed right up the road from Gloucester although I stuck with my Sam Adams Summer Ale.

The trip was also memorable as behind the boat (the “stern” as I am reminded) two of the crew were attempting a little science experiment. I hadn’t heard of this but I guess if you mix Coke/Diet Coke/Pepsi with Mentos, a very interesting chemical reaction takes place. Take a look at the link below if you don’t believe me. Anyway – it was a real hoot. The rants will continue tomorrow.

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