Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Presidential Debate Questions

I love politics. Not politicians mind you or the backroom dealings that happen once well intentioned folks get sent to Washington, but the discussion and debate over those philosophical underpinnings of our country and how the problems that face us are being dealt with. Unfortunately we as US citizens are not always given the cream of the crop and have to make do with what we have to choose from but I have always wondered if under the Democratic and Republican candidate voting buttons in a voting booth there was a lever for None of the above, what the end result would be?
So in the vein of this story letting us know that the Republican YouTube debate is back on, I thought I would put together some questions for the candidates. I am going to start with the Democrats because right now, they are more entertaining (the “are you black enough” Obama, “are you man enough” Clinton and “are you female enough” Edwards and of course Dennis Kucinich).

1. Do you believe in God and how does your religion affect your governing philosophy and principles?

2. Do you believe in the Right to Bear Arms (i.e. the Second Amendment)? If so, why or why not? Follow up – is the Right to Bear Arms as absolute as the 1st Amendment (Right to Free Speech)?

3. What parts in the Constitution do you think are best and what parts do you think are worst? What would have added/removed from the Constitution?

4. When does life begin?

5. If we pull out of Iraq as you all promise you will do if elected President, what are you prepared to do if the fledgling Iraqi Government cannot deal with the violence that is predicted to occur (within its country and without)?

6. Describe a scenario when you, as President, would authorize a pre-emptive military strike/War/Nuclear weapon attack?

7. Name three things that are great about America? Name three things that are not good about America?

8. The phrase “the rich don’t pay their fair share in taxes” has been a staple of Democratic Presidential candidates for a number of campaigns. Do you agree with this statement? What is the appropriate percentage of income that the rich should pay to the government? Follow up – do you believe the poor should pay taxes? What income level should be exempt from paying taxes and what philosophical principle do you base that on?

9. Operation Desert Fox was an Iraqi bombing campaign that was carried out by President Bill Clinton in 1998. This military operation was justified in part of Madeline Albright, then Secretary of State as an effort to “degrade” Iraq’s ability to manufacture and use weapons of mass destruction. Further Albright noted that (Iraq’s) weapons “...are a threat to the future”. So the question is, do you agree with President Clinton’s act and if not, did you voice your criticism at the time and if not, why not?
- Source for the quote is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Desert_Fox

10. Can you recite for me the preamble to the US Constitution?

11. Should violent lyrics in music (rap, rock, etc.) be banned?

12. As President what do you see your role in setting a cultural agenda?

13. What is the most challenging cultural problem facing our children these days? As President what can/should/would you do about it?

14. Do you have a plan for getting out of Iraq? If so, have you shared it with the administration and if not, why not?

15. Who should be in charge of education, a parent/guardian or the Government?

16. Should a parent have the right to excuse their son or daughter from discussions or topics that are against their religious or moral beliefs?

17. What 3 governmental programs do you want to cut the day you are elected President? Follow up – same question for 3 Governmental Agencies?

18. Socialism is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as “political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods”. Why is Government control over health care not a move toward socialism?

19. Is there a right to health care for all Americans? What principle of Government as enumerated in the Constitution do you base that response on?

20. Are Illegal Aliens criminals? What Principle in the Constitution outlines why people who are here illegally should receive Government benefits?

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