Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Is this a good thing?

Over the weekend the Boston Globe reported a story that Gun Ownership in Massachusetts is down by 25% (story is here) and I am left wondering if this is a good thing. The Globe story cites restrictive laws, higher licensing fees and a “cultural shift” although I was surprised that there wasn’t more discussion on what shift has occurred in the culture. Why the shift with 9/11 so recent in the country’s history. With the ongoing war in Iraq and Afghanistan and stories such as the ones explaining about the plot at Fort Dix (reference is here) I would think more people not less would be interested in home (self) defense.

But going back to my title, is it a good thing? It depends on how you see the Second Amendment. I cannot believe that if a story was written in the Boston Globe or the NY Times detailing how Free Speech was being curbed by the Government it would be treated as a good thing. I can hear the caterwauling now about how Free Speech doesn’t kill. Tell that to the Jews that lived in Germany circa 1940’s. But to get to the crux of the matter, as cliché as it sounds, guns do not kill either. They are inanimate objects that I can leave on my kitchen table and I can be assured I would be safe from it jumping up and putting a 9 mm in me. Blaming guns for death is like blaming a pencil for spelling mistakes (I love that line and I wish I could take credit for it but I can’t). I believe an armed populace contributes to a safer society, regardless of what the Town of Quincy’s police chief says. Basically the story in the Boston Globe could be considered as an advertisement for what towns and areas the criminals should concentrate their efforts in as to ensure a better chance of finding a house without a firearm.

Now with ownership comes a requirement for folks to remain trained in the use of firearms. It is an obligation in my opinion with any tool to know how to use it. The local NRA chapters can and do support this, including training that can be taken with children so there isn’t an armed society without the skills needed to properly use the firearm. Not to get too lowbrow but guns are not that complicated and the training is pretty straight forward.

I am worried that we in this society will continue to trust in someone else to protect us, someone else to plan our future and someone else to care for the children that we bring into this world. This “Right to Bear Arms” is in the Constitution whether the anti-gun zealots want to acknowledge it or not. We should not be celebrating the degradation of a right.

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