Monday, August 20, 2007

Quick note on Illegal Immigration

I visited Wolf Hollow over the weekend and heard a lot of interesting information that I want to comment on but would prefer to do some research before I do a post on it. Let me say though it was fascinating to listen about Wolves in general and the volunteer spoke for more than an hour on the subject. There was some bashing of the current administration (as well as the state governments of Idaho and Montana) but I need to do some investigation before I write anything.

So, I will turn it over to Newsbusters who have this great story on the deportation of Elvira Arellano. Apparently Reuters was all over the story (found here) and had the following headline in the story “Mexican immigrant who sought U.S. sanctuary deported”. The reader was not clued in at all from the headline or the story itself that Ms. Arellano was an illegal immigrant. What you are left with while reading the story is the feeling that this administration or government is hostile to poor Mexicans seeking sanctuary.

This is exactly the sort of shoddiness that Neal Gabler on Fox News Watch constantly harps on (usually related to reporting on leftist causes and the Bush Administration). I wonder if those on the left will apply their critical eye to the Reuters story and how this issue was reported (i.e. without all the facts and context). The headline should read “Illegal Mexican Immigrant deported as current US law and US public demands”. But that is my opinion.

I recommend anyone read the great Newsbusters story found here. Hat tip to Pam Meister for the story.

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