Friday, August 31, 2007

My wish for Mike Nifong

So a day after Nifong (D.A. in the abhorrent Duke “Rape” case) pleaded not guilty to criminal contempt (demonstrating that he continues to be not of sound mind and body) he is sentenced to one day of jail? What? He should at least have to serve the same number of days as the three Duke Lacrosse players had to live under the threat if imprisonment from this race- baiting glory seeking bastard who never missed an opportunity to slime the innocent lacrosse players.

CNN reports that:

  1. Nifong withheld evidence that “potentially would have cleared the three lacrosse players of sexual assault charges months before North Carolina's attorney general dropped them in April.”
  2. Nifong told the court that a “contained complete information on DNA test results, when it omitted that information.”

Conclusion: He is a liar, a fraud and a criminal.

It was nice to see him use the Clinton defense (depends on the meaning of the word “is” is) basically stating that Nifong “believed all the statements to be true”. Some one should tell this guy that just because you believe something (i.e. in Santa Claus) is doesn’t make it true. Question to Nifong that I would ask – “Did the lab report in which you reported contained complete DNA information supporting your case against the Duke lacrosse players really contain that DNA information?” Then if I had a follow up I would ask how can he live with himself to know that he almost destroyed three innocent students all for the glory of his pasty white butt. Well, I guess there will be some things we will never know.

But if O.J. can get a book deal, then this reject should as well. We probably have not heard the last from Mike Nifong. Maybe he can get hired for his cutting edge legal analysis on Nancy Grace?

My wish is that I hope he makes millions and has to give it up when the Duke Lacrosse players sue his sorry butt.

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