Wednesday, August 22, 2007

One of the problems with the Left and the Military

This is too broad of a topic to cover completely but there is a point that needs to be made, especially given recent news as reported in the Chicago Tribune and other media outlets. To set the stage, on 15 November 2005, it was alleged that US Marines had killed a number of civilians (at least 15). 8 US Marines were charged in the incident. Never missing a chance to slam our military, John Murtha (Congressman from Pennsylvania) was quoted at a news conference as saying “Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood.” Yep, that is the Left in America, never waiting to report some bad news that casts this country and its military in a bad light. Never mind the whole “innocent until proven guilty” idea or withholding judgment until all the facts are in, lets get out to the news hounds and get a negative sound bit out in time for the nightly news casts so Murtha (and others like him) can continue to undermine any sort of support for the Iraq War and President Bush.

The only problem is it is being reported that the charges are being dropped against 2 of the US Marines involved. The other Marines are still waiting hearings on their cases. So I checked Murtha’s website and I don’t see any sort of apology from Murtha on this. I suppose since the story came out on 9 August 2007 that I am expecting too much from him. Of course how quickly would Murtha would respond to the guilty verdict of these 2 Marines? Food for thought.The Left will continue to be seen as “anti-military” when they are quick to highlight the negative, especially when the other party is in power. What is sad is I don’t really believe that Democrats want to lose or be perceived that way. Unfortunately they have Leftist leaders who grab headlines and say explosive things and then move on, never considering the real implications of their words. Or maybe (sadly) they are trusting on a society made up of sheep to never hold them accountable.

Dan Proft notes in an online Letter to the Editor on that “The only thing truly clear from Haditha is that sometimes the casualties of war come home alive.” I encourage these Marines to sue Murtha for defamation of character. If Don Imus can be sued for his asinine comments why not Murtha?

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