Monday, August 20, 2007

The Surge is working?

Fox News is reporting that Carl Levin and John Warner, both who are back from a recent trip to Iraq, are saying positive things about the ongoing surge in Iraq. The important quote from a joint statement is: "We have seen indications that the surge of additional brigades to Baghdad and its immediate vicinity and the revitalized counter-insurgency strategy being employed have produced tangible results in making several areas of the capital more secure. We are also encouraged by continuing positive results — in al-Anbar Province, from the recent decisions of some of the Sunni tribes to turn against Al Qaeda and cooperate with coalition force efforts to kill or capture its adherents,". Full story is here.

I have always had a problem with one major party in this country almost banking their hopes to gain national office (i.e. The President) on failure of our efforts in Iraq and the loss of US prestige that will entail. If these candidates (and party) have great ideas for success I am sure President Bush is open to hearing them. It seemed to me that John Kerry during his run for President implied that he had the solution to Iraq but that we would all learn about it when he was elected President (i.e. few specifics and not a few policy shifts). I knew I wouldn’t vote for him as this issue (the war in Iraq) was more important than one person’s political aspirations. So if the surge does work, what does this mean for the candidates vying for the Democratic (and Republican) Presidential Nomination?

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